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Opening stock....... again!

Hi All,
just to re-cap, I've loaded all my parts into the system, together with
suppliers, customers etc, but there's no value associated with the
stock, so I can't actually use it.

The problem I have is that I've no idea what "scripting against Pearl"
means, or should do, even if I did.

I've tried, using phppgAdmin, to create am invoice to load the stock
into the system, but repeated errors have made this very difficult, and
frankly very frustrating. I'm also concerned that if I were successful,
I'd have a huge invoice from each supplier on the system, which
duplicates ones already on our existing system - surely this would be

Anyway, as its now over two months since our last year-end, the work
involved in getting the system "up-to-date" is already huge and getting
bigger daily, so: is there someone out there who can help me out, either
for free or for a (small!) fee - I've worked out everything else, but
this is beyond me (I'm no accountant) and I'm terrified of getting the
opening stock value wrong and, on paper, making the business bust - or
even worse getting the VAT wrong.

Any takers?
