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Re: (apparently) cosmetic tax rounding bug

Actually the tax collected report has a different known issue which we
inherited from SQL-Ledger.  It calculates the taxes not on the basis
of what was entered into the database but on a different basis.  This
will be corrected in a future version.  This has not been a high
priority because the bug regresses all the way back to SQL-Ledger

The biggest issue is that the tax collected report appears not to take
quantity into account.

If you need those detailed reports, use GL, trial balance or CoA
reports instead.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

On 4/28/07, ..hidden.. <..hidden..> wrote:
Hi All,

I've tested the fix for tax rounding, and everything is now fine
(thanks Chris), however when poking around at the various reports
available, I've noticed a cosmetic bug.

Start with a single transaction that previously gave a tax rounding
error (but doesn't with the fix).  Then run the 'AR->Reports->Tax
Collected' report, selecting 'Detail' (the bug is clearer if you also
check 'Subtotal').  Run the report.

You will see that the tax is apparently miscalculated again.  It isn't
- the transaction is recorded correctly in the database - but the
calculation used by this report evidently has the same rounding problem.


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