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LedgerSMB 1.3.13-rc1 is released


Due to a couple of significant bugs, including a backup bug reported
by Steven Marshall and the issue Michael Richardson was having with
foreign currency bank accounts in cash recon, we have pushed forward
the 1.3.13 release schedule.  1.3.13-rc1 is now available from

Please see the changelog below for details.

Chris Travers

Changelog for 1.3.13
* Reduced log messages when upgrading/creating db, for some log levels (Chris T)
* Changed db setup not to use createdb for simple admin of pg_hba.conf (Chris T)
* Corrected type = 'password' not handled properly in elements.html (Chris T)
* Non-billable information now retained in db for timecards (Chris T)
* Corrected character encoding issue with backup scripts (Chris T)
* Changes in the single payment UI to minimize mouse movements (Erik H)
* Adding link to employee edit screen from user page (h/t H Sorli) (Chris T)
* Fixed: Can't designate managers (Chris T, bug  3486840)
* Can now skip adding the chart of accounts (Erik H)
* Fixed: can't reconcile accounts in foreign currency (bug 3498036)(Chris T)
* Fixed: Recon not setup for cash accounts in default COA (Erik H and Chris T)
* Corrected minor issue with demo sales quotation template (Chris T)

Chris T is Chris Travers
Erik H is Erik Huelsmann
H Sorli is Havard Sorli