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Re: Proposal for 2.0: New monetary data types

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Travers <..hidden..> writes:
    Chris> Also this will be broken off and implemented in C as a
    Chris> Pg-foundry project and the goal would be to keep this
    Chris> applicable to other software projects as well (or rather I am
    Chris> collaborating with someone to do this).

Be aware that this does add an additional dependancy for installation.
I'm not saying don't do it, just that it adds additional installation

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] ..hidden.. http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzx1ycLXQSE>
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