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Re: Debian packages and Bruce Hohl Install

Chris Travers wrote, On 12/13/2006 10:51 PM:
I favor the idea of a post-install configure script.  Obviously we
don't want it in the web directory :-)

Now you mention it: Couldn't/shouldn't all CGI entry points be moved to a cgi-bin folder and apache be configured to execute cgi in that folder only? I consider it very unsafe to put scripts not intended to be cgi scripts (or even worse: Writable folders) in cgi-enabled folders. As it is now Apache access control has to do a dirty and too-risky-to-be-trusted job! It is not obvious to me that no dangerous scripts can be executed through cgi.

IMHO ;-)


ps: I have been playing around with something like the following. Instead of taking a "give access and make exceptions" approach I try to give exactly the needed access. But it gets quite complicated and obvious that reorganizing the directory structure would be simpler (and thus less error-prone).

# Mapping from url to file system
Alias /ledger-smb/css xxx/css
Alias /ledger-smb/templates xxx/templates
Alias /ledger-smb/doc/LedgerSMB-manual.pdf xxx/doc/LedgerSMB-manual.pdf
Alias /ledger-smb/locale xxx/locale
Alias /ledger-smb xxx/

# Access to htdocs/CGI dir
<Directory xxx>
 AddHandler cgi-script .pl
 Options ExecCGI
 Order Allow,Deny
 Deny from All
 <FilesMatch "^$|\.(png|ico|pl|html)$">
   Order Deny,Allow
   Allow from All

# No automatic access to sub dirs of htdocs/CGI
<Directory xxx/*>
 <Files "*">
   Order Allow,Deny
   Deny from All

# Access to splash
<Directory xxx/doc/locale>
 <Files "*">
   Order Deny,Allow
   Allow from All

# Access to manual
<Directory xxx/doc>
 <Files "*">
   Order Deny,Allow
   Allow from All

# Access to (customized) css
<Directory xxx/css>
 <Files "*">
   Order Deny,Allow
   Allow from All

# Access to (customzied) templates
<Directory xxx/templates>
 <Files "*">
   Order Deny,Allow
   Allow from All