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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[5343] trunk

Revision: 5343
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-12-13 15:16:25 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2012)
Log Message:
Merging taxable/non-taxable reports with AR/AP transactions 
AR/AP transactions and outstanding reports classes added

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/LedgerSMB/RP.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/RP.pm	2012-12-12 10:22:22 UTC (rev 5342)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/RP.pm	2012-12-13 15:16:25 UTC (rev 5343)
@@ -1007,76 +1007,6 @@
-sub tax_report {
-    use strict;
-    my ( $self, $myconfig, $form ) = @_;
-    my $dbh = $form->{dbh};
-    my ( $null, $department_id ) = split /--/, $form->{department};
-    my $date_from = $form->{fromdate} || undef;
-    my $date_to = $form->{todate} || undef;
-    my $accno = $form->{accno} || undef;    
-    my $account_class;
-    if ($form->{db} eq 'ar'){
-       $account_class = 2;
-    } elsif ($form->{db} eq 'ap'){
-       $account_class = 1;
-    } else {
-        $form->error('Invalid input db in RP::tax_report.');
-    }
-    my $query = qq|
-   SELECT gl.transdate, gl.id, gl.invnumber, e.name, e.id as entity_id, 
-          eca.id as credit_id, eca.meta_number, gl.netamount, 
-          sum(CASE WHEN a.id IS NOT NULL then ac.amount ELSE 0 END) as tax, 
-          gl.invoice, gl.netamount 
-          + sum(CASE WHEN a.id IS NOT NULL then ac.amount ELSE 0 END) as total
-     FROM (select id, transdate, amount, netamount, entity_credit_account,
-                  invnumber, invoice
-             from ar where ? = 2
-          UNION
-          select id, transdate, amount, netamount, entity_credit_account,
-                 invnumber, invoice
-            from ap where ? = 1) gl
-     JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON eca.id = gl.entity_credit_account
-     JOIN entity e ON eca.entity_id = e.id
-     JOIN acc_trans ac ON ac.trans_id = gl.id
-LEFT JOIN (select * from account where tax is true and accno = ?
-           UNION
-          SELECT * from account where tax is true and ? is null
-          ) a on a.id = ac.chart_id
-LEFT JOIN dpt_trans dpt ON (gl.id = dpt.trans_id)
-    WHERE (? is null or dpt.department_id = ?)
-          AND (gl.transdate >= ? or ? is null)
-          AND (gl.transdate <= ? or ? is null)
- GROUP BY gl.transdate, gl.id, gl.invnumber, e.name, e.id, eca.id,
-           eca.meta_number, gl.amount, gl.netamount, gl.invoice
-   HAVING (sum(CASE WHEN a.id is not null then ac.amount else 0 end) 
-           <> 0 AND ? IS NOT NULL) 
-          OR (? IS NULL and sum(CASE WHEN a.id is not null then ac.amount
-                                ELSE 0 END) = 0)|;
-    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
-    $sth->execute($account_class, $account_class, 
-                  $accno,         $accno, 
-                  $department_id, $department_id,
-                  $date_from,     $date_from,
-                  $date_to,       $date_to,
-                  $accno,         $accno)
-                  || $form->dberror($query);
-    while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc') ) {
-        $form->db_parse_numeric(sth=>$sth, hashref=>$ref);
-        $ref->{tax} = $form->round_amount( $ref->{tax}, 2 );
-        push @{ $form->{TR} }, $ref;
-    }
-    $sth->finish;
 sub paymentaccounts {
     my ( $self, $myconfig, $form ) = @_;

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Outstanding.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Outstanding.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Outstanding.pm	2012-12-13 15:16:25 UTC (rev 5343)
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Outstanding - Outstanding Invoice Reports for 
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $report = LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Outstanding->new(%$request);
+ $report->render($request);
+package LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Outstanding;
+use Moose;
+extends 'LedgerSMB::Report';
+with 'LedgerSMB::Report::Dates';
+The Outstanding reports provide an ability to track the invoices outstanding at
+a given date.  Summary reports return one line per customer or vendor, and
+details reports return one line per invoice.
+=item is_detailed bool
+If set true, return one line per invoice, if false set one line per entity
+credit account
+has is_detailed => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', required => 1);
+=item entity_class
+1 for vendor, 2 for customer
+has entity_class => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1);
+=item account_id int
+Only show invoices or totals for specified AR/AP account.
+has account_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 0);
+=item name
+Show invoices for customers or vendors with a name like this, full text search
+has name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item meta_number
+Show invoices only for the control code of the entity credit account, search is
+based on the beginning of the string.
+has meta_number => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item employee_id
+Only show invoices attached to the specified salespersln
+has employee_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => '0');
+=item business_ids
+Only show invoices attached to all of these business ids
+has business_ids => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]', required => '0');
+=item ship_via
+Full text search on shipvia field
+has ship_via => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item on_hold
+Bool match for on-hold invoices.  1 shows only onhold, 0 active, and undef all.
+has on_hold => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', required => 0);
+=head2 columns
+=item running_number
+=item transdate
+=item invoice
+=item id
+=item ordnumber
+=item ponumber
+=item meta_number
+=item entity_name
+=item amount
+=item tax
+=item total
+=item paid
+=item due
+=item curr
+=item last_paydate
+=item due_date
+=item notes
+=item till
+=item employee_name
+=item manager_name
+=item shipping_point
+=item ship_via
+sub columns {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $inv_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('# Invoices');
+    my $inv_type = 'text';
+    if ($self->is_detailed){
+        $inv_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Invoice');       
+        $inv_type = 'href';  
+    }
+    my $entity_label;
+    if ($self->entity_class == 1){
+       $entity_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Vendor');
+    } elsif ($self->entity_class == 2){
+       $entity_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Customer');
+    } else {
+       die 'invalid entity class';
+    }
+    return [
+        {col_id => 'running_number',
+           name => '#',
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 1, },
+        {col_id => 'transdate',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Date'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 4, },
+        {col_id => 'id',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('ID'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 2, },
+        {col_id => 'invoice',
+           name => $inv_label,
+           type => $inv_type, 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'ordnumber',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Order'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'ponumber',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('PO Number'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'meta_number',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Account'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'entity_name',
+           name => $entity_label,
+           type => 'href', 
+      href_base => 'contact.pl?action=edit&'
+         pwidth => 15, },
+        {col_id => 'amount',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Amount'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'tax',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Tax'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'netamount',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Total'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'paid',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Paid'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'due',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Amount Due'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'curr',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Curr'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'last_paydate',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Date Paid'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'duedate',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Due Date'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'notes',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Notes'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 15, },
+        {col_id => 'till',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Till'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 8, },
+        {col_id => 'employee_name',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Salesperson'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'manager_name',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Manager'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'shipping_point',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Shipping Point'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+        {col_id => 'ship_via',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Ship_Via'),
+           type => 'text', 
+         pwidth => 10, },
+    ];
+=head2 header_lines
+sub header_lines {
+    return [];
+=head2 name
+Returns either the localized strings for "AR Outstanding" or "AP Outstanding"
+sub name {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($self->entity_class == 1) {
+        return LedgerSMB::Report::text('AP Outstanding');
+    } elsif $self->entity_class == 2) {
+        return LedgerSMB::Report::text('AR Outstanding');
+    }
+=head1 METHODS
+=item run_report
+sub run_report {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $procname = 'report__outstanding';
+    if ($self->is_detailed){
+       $procname .= '_details';
+    }
+    my @rows = $self->exec_method({funcname => $procname});
+    # TODO, add hyperlinks for rows
+    $self->rows(@rows);
+COPYRIGHT (C) 2012 The LedgerSMB Core Team.  This file may be re-used following
+the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option any
+later version.  Please see included LICENSE.TXT for details.

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Transactions.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Transactions.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/Report/CashFlow/Transactions.pm	2012-12-13 15:16:25 UTC (rev 5343)
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Transactions - AR/AP Transactions Reports for 
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  my $report = LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Transactions(%$request);
+  $report->render($request);
+package LedgerSMB::Report::CashFlow::Transactions;
+use Moose;
+extends 'LedgerSMB::Report';
+with 'LedgerSMB::Report::Dates';
+The AR/AP transaction reports provide basic search capabilities for AR and AP 
+transactions and invoices.  
+=item entity_class int
+1 for vendor, 2 for customer
+has entity_class => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1);
+=item account_id
+This is the account id of the AR or AP account
+has account_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 0);
+=item name text
+Full text search of entity name
+has name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item meta_number
+Prefix search on entity_credit_account.meta_number
+has meta_number => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item employee_id int
+The id of the employee entity
+has employee_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', requird => 0);
+=item manager_id
+entity id of the manager
+has manager_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 0);
+=item invnumber string
+Prefix search on invoice number
+has invnumber => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item ordnumber string
+Prefix search on noted order number
+has ornumber => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item ponumber string
+Prefix search on PO number
+has ponumber => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item source string
+Prefix string on source number
+has source => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item description string
+Full text search on transaction description
+has description => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item notes
+Full text search on notes field
+has notes => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item ship_via
+Full text search on shipvia column
+has ship_via => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 0);
+=item on_hold bool
+1 matches on-hold, 0 matches active, undef matches all.
+has on_hold => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', required => 0);
+=item taxable bool
+1 matches sales with taxes (of specified account), 0 matches non-taxable, and
+undef matches all.
+has taxable => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', required => 0);
+=item tax_account_id int
+If taxable is set this filters only transactions of a specific tax account.
+has tax_account_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 0);
+=head1 INTERNLS
+=head2 columns
+=item id int
+=item transdate date
+=item meta_number text
+This is the customer or vendor account number
+=item entity_name text
+This is the customer or vendor name
+=item invnumber text
+=item amount numeric
+=item tax numeric
+=item netamount numeric
+=item paid numeric
+=item due numeric
+=item last_payment date
+=item due_date date
+=item notes text
+=item till text
+=item salesperson text
+=item manager text
+=item shpping_point text
+=item ship_via text
+sub columns {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $meta_number_label;
+    my $entity_name_label;
+    if ($self->entity_class == 1){
+       $meta_number_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Vendor Account');
+       $entity_name_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Vendor');
+    } elsif ($self->entity_class == 2){
+       $meta_number_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Customer Account');
+       $entity_name_label = LedgerSMB::Report::text('Customer');
+    }
+    return [
+       { col_id => 'id',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('ID'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'transdate',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Date'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'meta_number',
+           name => $meta_number_label,
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'entity_name',
+           name => $entity_name_label,
+           type => 'href', },
+       { col_id => 'invnumber',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Invoice'),
+           type => 'href'},
+       { col_id => 'amount',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Amount'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'tax',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Tax'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'netamount',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Total'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'paid',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Paid'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'due',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Due'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'last_payment',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Date Paid'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'due_date',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Due Date'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'notes',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Notes'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'till',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Till'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'salesperson',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Salesperson'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'manager',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Manager'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'shipping_point',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Shipping Point'),
+           type => 'text'},
+       { col_id => 'ship_via',
+           name => LedgerSMB::Report::text('Ship Via'),
+           type => 'text'},
+    ];
+=head2 header_lines
+sub header_lines {
+=head2 name
+'Search AR' or 'Search AP' depending on entity_class
+sub name {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return LedgerSMB::Report::Text('Search AP') if $self->entity_class == 1;
+    return LedgerSMB::Report::Text('Search AR') if $self->entity_class == 2;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 run_report
+This runs the report and sets the $report->rows.
+sub run_report {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @rows = $self->exec_method({funcname => 'report__aa_transactions'});
+    # TODO add hyperlinks
+    $self->rows(@rows);
+COPYRIGHT (C) 2012 The LedgerSMB Core Team.  This file may be re-used following
+the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option any
+later version.  Please see included LICENSE.TXT for details.

Modified: trunk/bin/rp.pl
--- trunk/bin/rp.pl	2012-12-12 10:22:22 UTC (rev 5342)
+++ trunk/bin/rp.pl	2012-12-13 15:16:25 UTC (rev 5343)
@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@
     my %report = (
         balance_sheet    => { title => 'Balance Sheet' },
         income_statement => { title => 'Income Statement' },
-        tax_collected    => { title => 'Tax collected', vc => 'customer' },
-        tax_paid         => { title => 'Tax paid' },
-        nontaxable_sales => { title => 'Non-taxable Sales', vc => 'customer' },
-        nontaxable_purchases => { title => 'Non-taxable Purchases' },
         receipts             => { title => 'Receipts', vc => 'customer' },
         payments             => { title => 'Payments' },
         projects             => { title => 'Project Transactions' },
@@ -153,76 +149,6 @@
     } elsif ( $form->{report} eq "balance_sheet" ) {
         $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_balance_sheet';
         $subform = 'generate_balance_sheet';
-    } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /^tax_/ ) {
-        $gifi = 0;
-        $form->{db} = ( $form->{report} =~ /_collected/ ) ? "ar" : "ap";
-        RP->get_taxaccounts( \%myconfig, \%$form );
-        $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_tax_report';
-        $hiddens{db} = $form->{db};
-        $hiddens{sort} = 'transdate';
-        $subform = 'generate_tax_report';
-        my $checked = "checked";
-        $form->{taxaccountlist} = [];
-        foreach $ref ( @{ $form->{taxaccounts} } ) {
-            push @{$form->{taxaccountlist}}, {
-                name => 'accno',
-                type => 'radio',
-                value => $ref->{accno},
-                label => $ref->{description},
-                $checked => $checked,
-                };
-            $hiddens{"$ref->{accno}_description"} = $ref->{description};
-            $hiddens{"$ref->{accno}_rate"} = $ref->{rate};
-            $checked = undef;
-        }
-        if (ref $form->{gifi_taxaccounts} eq 'ARRAY') {
-            $form->{gifitaxaccountlist} = [];
-            foreach $ref ( @{ $form->{gifi_taxaccounts} } ) {
-                push @{$form->{taxaccountlist}}, {
-                    name => 'accno',
-                    type => 'radio',
-                    value => "gifi_$ref->{accno}",
-                    label => $ref->{description},
-                    };
-                $hiddens{"gifi_$ref->{accno}_description"} = $ref->{description};
-                $hiddens{"gifi_$ref->{accno}_rate"} = $ref->{rate};
-            }
-        }
-    } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /^nontaxable_/ ) {
-        $gifi = 0;
-        $form->{db} = ( $form->{report} =~ /_sales/ ) ? "ar" : "ap";
-        $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_tax_report';
-        $hiddens{db} = $form->{db};
-        $hiddens{sort} = 'transdate';
-        $hiddens{report} = $form->{report};
-        $subform = 'generate_tax_report';
-        if ( $form->{report} eq 'ar_aging' ) {
-            $label = $locale->text('Customer');
-            $form->{vc} = 'customer';
-            $form->{uvc} = 'Customer';
-        }
-        else {
-            $label = $locale->text('Vendor');
-            $form->{vc} = 'vendor';
-            $form->{uvc} = 'Vendor';
-        }
-	$vc = {name => $form->{vc}, size => 35};
-	$form->{vci} = {type => 'input', input => $vc};
-        $hiddens{type} = 'statement';
-        $hiddens{format} = 'ps' if $myconfig{printer};
-	$hiddens{media} = $myconfig{printer};
-	my $nextsub = "generate_$form->{report}";
-	$hiddens{nextsub} = $nextsub;
-	$hiddens{action} = $nextsub;
     } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /(receipts|payments)$/ ) {
         $gifi = 0;
         $subform = 'payments';
@@ -763,250 +689,6 @@
-sub generate_tax_report {
-    RP->tax_report( \%myconfig, $form );
-    my %hiddens;
-    my @options;
-    my $descvar     = "$form->{accno}_description";
-    my $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar} );
-    my $ratevar     = "$form->{accno}_rate";
-    my $taxrate     = $form->{"$form->{accno}_rate"};
-    if ( $form->{accno} =~ /^gifi_/ ) {
-        $descvar     = "gifi_$form->{accno}_description";
-        $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar} );
-        $ratevar     = "gifi_$form->{accno}_rate";
-        $taxrate     = $form->{"gifi_$form->{accno}_rate"};
-    }
-    my $department = $form->escape( $form->{department} );
-    # construct href
-    my $href =
-    # construct callback
-    $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar}, 1 );
-    $department = $form->escape( $form->{department}, 1 );
-    $form->sort_order();
-    my $callback =
-    $form->{title} = $locale->text('GIFI') . " - "
-      if ( $form->{accno} =~ /^gifi_/ );
-    my $title = $form->escape( $form->{title} );
-    $href .= "&title=$title";
-    $title = $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 );
-    $callback .= "&title=$title";
-    $form->{title} = qq|$form->{title} $form->{"$form->{accno}_description"} |;
-    my @columns =
-      $form->sort_columns(
-        qw(id transdate invnumber name description netamount tax total));
-    $form->{"l_description"} = "" if $form->{summary};
-    my @column_index;
-    foreach my $item (@columns) {
-        if ( $form->{"l_$item"} eq "Y" ) {
-            push @column_index, $item;
-            # add column to href and callback
-            $callback .= "&l_$item=Y";
-            $href     .= "&l_$item=Y";
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) {
-        $callback .= "&l_subtotal=Y";
-        $href     .= "&l_subtotal=Y";
-    }
-    if ( $form->{department} ) {
-        ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department};
-        push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $department);
-    }
-    # if there are any dates
-    my $fromdate;
-    my $todate;
-    if ( $form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate} ) {
-        if ( $form->{fromdate} ) {
-            $fromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 );
-        }
-        if ( $form->{todate} ) {
-            $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 );
-        }
-        $form->{period} = "$fromdate - $todate";
-    }
-    else {
-        $form->{period} =
-          $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 );
-    }
-    my $name;
-    my $invoice;
-    my $arap;
-    if ( $form->{db} eq 'ar' ) {
-        $name    = $locale->text('Customer');
-        $invoice = 'is.pl';
-        $arap    = 'ar.pl';
-    }
-    if ( $form->{db} eq 'ap' ) {
-        $name    = $locale->text('Vendor');
-        $invoice = 'ir.pl';
-        $arap    = 'ap.pl';
-    }
-    push @options, $form->{period};
-    my $column_names = {
-        id => 'ID',
-        invnumber => 'Invoice',
-        transdate => 'Date',
-        netamount => 'Amount',
-        tax => 'Tax',
-        total => 'Total',
-        name => $name,
-        description => 'Description'
-        };
-    my @sort_columns = qw(id invnumber transdate name description);
-    my $sort_href = "$href&sort";
-    # add sort and escape callback
-    $callback = $form->escape( $callback . "&sort=$form->{sort}" );
-    my $sameitem;
-    if ( @{ $form->{TR} } ) {
-        $sameitem = $form->{TR}->[0]->{ $form->{sort} };
-    }
-    my $totalnetamount;
-    my @rows;
-    my $i;
-    foreach my $ref ( @{ $form->{TR} } ) {
-        my %column_data;
-        my $module = ( $ref->{invoice} ) ? $invoice : $arap;
-        $module = 'ps.pl' if $ref->{till};
-        if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) {
-            if ( $sameitem ne $ref->{ $form->{sort} } ) {
-                push @rows, &tax_subtotal(..hidden..);
-                $sameitem = $ref->{ $form->{sort} };
-            }
-        }
-        $totalnetamount += $ref->{netamount};
-        $totaltax       += $ref->{tax};
-        $ref->{total} = $ref->{netamount} + $ref->{tax};
-        $subtotalnetamount += $ref->{netamount};
-        $subtotaltax       += $ref->{tax};
-        for (qw(netamount tax total)) {
-            $ref->{$_} =
-              $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{$_}, 2, ' ' );
-        }
-        $column_data{id} = $ref->{id};
-        $column_data{invnumber} = {
-            href => "$module?path=$form->{path}&action=edit&id=$ref->{id}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&callback=$callback",
-            text => $ref->{invnumber},
-            };
-        for (qw(id transdate name partnumber description)) {
-            $column_data{$_} = $ref->{$_};
-        }
-        for (qw(netamount tax total)) {
-            $column_data{$_} = $ref->{$_};
-        }
-        $i++;
-        $i %= 2;
-        $column_data{i} = $i;
-        push @rows, \%column_data;
-    }
-    if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) {
-        push @rows, &tax_subtotal(..hidden..);
-    }
-    my %column_data;
-    for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' }
-    $total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalnetamount + $totaltax,
-        2, ' ' );
-    $totalnetamount =
-      $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalnetamount, 2, ' ' );
-    $totaltax = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totaltax, 2, ' ' );
-    $column_data{netamount} = $totalnetamount;
-    $column_data{tax}   = $totaltax;
-    $column_data{total} = $total;
-    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI(
-        user => \%myconfig, 
-        locale => $locale, 
-        template => 'form-dynatable',
-        );
-    my $column_heading = $template->column_heading($column_names,
-        {href => $sort_href, columns => ..hidden..
-    );
-    $template->render({
-        form => $form,
-        hiddens => \%hiddens,
-        options => ..hidden..,
-        columns => ..hidden..,
-        heading => $column_heading,
-        rows => ..hidden..,
-        totals => \%column_data,
-        row_alignment => {
-            netamount => 'right',
-            tax => 'right',
-            total => 'right',
-            },
-    });
-sub tax_subtotal {
-    my $column_index = shift;
-    my %column_data;
-    for (@{$column_index}) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' }
-    $column_data{'class'} = 'subtotal';
-    #SC: Yes, right now these are global, inherited from generate_tax_report
-    $subtotal =
-      $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalnetamount + $subtotaltax,
-        2, ' ' );
-    $subtotalnetamount =
-      $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalnetamount, 2, ' ' );
-    $subtotaltax =
-      $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotaltax, 2, ' ' );
-    $column_data{netamount} = $subtotalnetamount;
-    $column_data{tax} = $subtotaltax;
-    $column_data{total} = $subtotal;
-    $subtotalnetamount = 0;
-    $subtotaltax       = 0;
-    \%column_data;
 sub list_payments {
     my %hiddens;

Modified: trunk/sql/modules/Report.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/Report.sql	2012-12-12 10:22:22 UTC (rev 5342)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/Report.sql	2012-12-13 15:16:25 UTC (rev 5343)
@@ -346,6 +346,9 @@
 CREATE TYPE aa_transactions_line AS (
     id int,
+    invoice bool,
+    meta_number text,
+    entity_name text,
     transdate date,
     invnumber text,
     amount numeric,
@@ -354,7 +357,7 @@
     paid numeric,
     due numeric,
     last_payment date,
-    due_payment date,
+    due_date date,
     notes text,
     till text,
     salesperson text,
@@ -364,11 +367,12 @@
     business_units text[]
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION report__aa_transactions
 (in_entity_class int, in_account_id int, in_name text, in_meta_number text,
  in_employee_id int, in_manager_id int, in_invnumber text, in_ordnumber text,
  in_ponumber text, in_source text, in_description text, in_notes text, 
- in_shipvia text, in_date_from text, in_date_to text, in_on_hold bool)
+ in_shipvia text, in_date_from text, in_date_to text, in_on_hold bool,
+ in_taxable bool, in_tax_account int))
 RETURNS SETOF aa_transactions_line LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$
 DECLARE retval aa_transactions_line;
@@ -377,7 +381,8 @@
 FOR retval IN
-SELECT a.id, a.transdate, a.invnumber, a.amount, a.netamount, 
+SELECT a.id, a.invoice, eca.meta_number eeca.name,
+       a.transdate, a.invnumber, a.amount, a.netamount, 
        a.amount - a.netamount as tax, a.amount - p.due, p.last_payment, 
        a.duedate, a.notes,
        a.till, eee.name as employee, mee.name as manager, a.shipping_point, 
@@ -427,6 +432,20 @@
        AND (in_date_from IS NULL OR a.transdate >= in_date_from)
        AND (in_date_to IS NULL OR a.transdate <= in_date_to)
        AND (in_on_hold IS NULL OR in_on_hold = a.on_hold)
+       AND (in_taxable IS NULL OR 
+            OR (in_taxable 
+              AND (in_tax_account_id IS NULL 
+                 OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acc_trans 
+                             WHERE trans_id = a.id 
+                                   AND chart_id = in_tax_account_id)
+            ))
+            OR (NOT in_taxable
+                  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 
+                                    FROM acc_trans ac
+                                    JOIN account_link al 
+                                      ON al.account_id = ac.chart_id
+                                   WHERE ac.trans_id = a.id 
+                                         AND al.description ilike '%tax'))

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